MELISSA STRAWSER Art on Paper with Bronze & Copper Intaglio Sculpture/Chine Colle' Aquatint
Intaglio Sculpture Aquatint & Chine Colle'
'Energies' |
'Light' Bronze Sculpture |
Appreciators and viewers often ask the Artist questions like What inspires you? or How long does it take to make a work? I believe, the age of the artist is the amount of time it takes. I'm always conceiving the idea, reality takes time; so it is unusual for me to say it takes me an hour or month or 10 years! The visuals I aspire to collage and vice -versa fabricate into Sculpture find their way into my mind from my environment, to my travels, even from segments of conversations, text and family influences. I surround myself with great people always great art thinkers. Many cultures see the growing spiral of life, the tree of life as we call it and sensory and healing aspects are constantly being experienced through your touch, smell, sound, sight, and taste. SUNlight and Fire and the Speed of Light inspire my work. Gray tones and Black and White are a Printmakers pallette then later comes all that color to permeate more color and shape, I challenge myself with it. WIND is Air and I see it forming on the right. WATER is Spirit or Mother Earth and I see it from the bottom of the ocean. SOUND reaches all these elements and your senses can surround you by forming from the left to the right. My work it has Light as an integral part of what you see, there's refraction and then there typically takes you on a journey to find something that is relatable to you and only you, I love that mystery. I am Fire element and I am powered by the Sun or a higher spirit, that guides my work and I'm so grateful. Organic natural designs found in Nature with the Science and Art is what makes my clock tick for any new or recycled fabulous idea. Flora and fauna; plants or animals, amphibians, insects, corals and aquatic life; all living creatures among us and our emotional well-being by using hands to inspire others, truly is what keeps me sane. When natural light interacts with your perception, it's a Gift of perception to others. Being an Artist, is the most rewarding job I ever took in life and it's just another brave way to trust in what you see in things, in the world and in others. I have always worked with paper, because Printmakers love texture and paper, it typically comes first in my toolbox. Working with paper allows me to feel 2-dimension into 3-dimension and fabricate softly before the harshness and unforgiving nature of metals come into play. I form Sculpture from my printed ideas and I exaggerate on creatures and refractions to magnify why we should be in awe with certain things that play a big part in our joy, our sorrow and our living. Living with Art is just what I was programmed to do since I was a child with my family-setting of folk artists and generations. I'm 4th Generation, Studio Artist and its a priviledge and a grace to do what I do and to have so many appreciators, thank you so much. In Light and Love xx, Melissa